@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

The video journal app you have been waiting for is finally here!

Life happens fast. Record your thoughts and memories by video, picture
or text in this easy to use journal as often as you want.

Our journal app is available on your desktop, web browser and
your Android . It's an easy to use journal app,
with an attractive and clean design and a ton of features.


about app

Exclusive Features

This is the best online solution for recording your daily journals

app hover img

Simple Journals

Create text only entries with a simple click

app hover img

Capture Your Pictures

Snap Real-Time images or add pictures from your device

app hover img

Record Live Video

Instantly add live video to your journal entries

why chooce

Why choose Video Journal App

Video Journal App is available on multiple platforms


Easy to use Clean design

The #1 All-in-one Journal App

Our app is so easy that your grandma could use it. We believe that if it isn't intuitive then the app is worthless!

  • Easy to use GUI with only a couple of buttons
  • High quality video and picture uploads
  • Basic package is free to use - Forever
chit-chat-back-img chit-chat-back-img chit-chat-back-img

Secure your memories with our Video Journal App

The world's top encrypted video journal

Keep all your memories synced across platforms with unlimited access and unlimited journals

Cross Platform App

Add journal entries using different devices. You could easily make an entry
with your phone right now and then add an entry on your desktop next time!

Desktop App - This is one of a very few online journals available via the web.
Mobile App - Available for use on Android

Clean design, many features, quick search, unlimited logins, unlimited enteries

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Watch us grow! So many people from around the world love us and you will too! These are real-time counters of users like you that are using our video journal site. It's free! Why not join today?

pricing plan

Choose Your Pricing Plan

It's important to choose the plan that is right for you. We have priced our product fairly
because we saw a need and felt we should make a product that helps you express yourself.

After you become a user you can change your subscription anytime to fit with your data usage.
Our inexpensive plans are a great deal at every level!"

@if($packages->count() > 0) @foreach($packages as $package)

{{ $package->name }}

${{ $package->price }}

get started
  • Storage Capacity: {{ $package->capacity }} GB
  • Recurring Type: {{ $package->type }}
@endforeach @endif

